
+43 664 829 66 5 / +43 664 100 9344

Children of Kapan Schule

Kapan, Kathmandu

Verein Children of Kapan

Lech, Austria

News from the Charity

In December 2017 several milestones summed up so that Brigitte and Reinhard could celebrate 100 years! The event had the 
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In November 2017, sports shop Strolz in Lech organised a big Charity Gala for Children of Kapan with a lot 
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In summer 2017, the first fund raising event for Children of Kapan took place in Lech. „Lech läuft“, an event 
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Back in April 2017, we could successfully open the gates of the new “Children of Kapan” kindergarden. Since that time 
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